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Is Hudson County Ready For Swimming This Summer?

Attention 07002, 07029, 07030, 07302, 07304, 07305, 07306, 07307, 07310, 07311, 07032, 07047, 07094, 07087, 07086, and 07093 zip codes! As the winter months quickly pass us by, we begin to feel excited for the coming changes of the season. First comes Spring with all its rain which helps flowers to bloom and nature to blossom. Then, comes Summer with its family-friendly barbecue’s, vacations, pools, beaches and so much more.

Two swim students floating with a British Swim School Instructor

With Summer we anticipate endless fun (We are looking at you Paulus Hook Park!), a break for adults, parents and especially young children. One thing some may not necessarily anticipate however, is how to properly prepare for one of the biggest summer activities: swimming.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, swimming is the fourth most popular sport or activity within the United States and is the first most popular among children and teens (ages 7-17) (US Census Bureau, 2012). With swimming, there is also a possibility of a potential accident to occur, such as drowning. The CDC states, “drowning ranks fifth among the leading causes of unintentional injury death in the United States” (CDC, 2016).

With an activity this popular and also dangerous, it is vital that people of all ages be prepared for any accidents to happen that involve swimming, especially for young children as they are the most effected being their second leading cause of death (ibid).

The best way to prepare the younger children most effected is to ensure they become strong swimmers at a young age. Some adults or parents may feel there is no urgency in getting their children swim lessons to build both their confidence knowing their children can swim. However, an article titled, Why Every Child Should Learn to Swim this Summer mentions ““the excuse, ‘they won’t be around the water much anyway,’ just doesn’t hold up when you realize there are pools at parks, at schools, at hotels. You can’t avoid the water your whole life” (Marquez, 2013).

The CDC provides further statistics to demonstrate that over 91 million people visit swimming areas such as beaches, lakes, etc., which further proves individuals cannot avoid the water for a lifetime (CDC, 2016). With that in mind, participating in swimming lessons and learning to swim is one of the best ways to be prepared and avoid being a victim of drowning.

Summer activities such as swimming, barbecues and more are intended to be fun, stress free events for family and friends to enjoy. If there is a way to prepare all adults and especially the children, to be prepared for any potential swimming accident, it is necessary those measures are taken.

With the peace of mind knowing young children are water safe and able to swim well, everyone else can enjoy their summer even more. Once swimming lessons are accomplished prior to the beginning of the Summer, all that is left to worry about is how much sunscreen to buy to enjoy some fun in the sun!

British Swim School Instructor teaching a young female student


Information on Healthy Swimming and Recreational Water. (2016, September 15). Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from

Marquez, J. R. (2013, June 17). Why Every Child Should Learn to Swim This Summer. Parade. Retrieved from

Unintentional Drowning: Get the Facts. (2016, April 28). Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from

US Census Bureau. Statistical abstract of the United States: 2012. Arts, recreation, and travel: Participation in selected sports activities 2009 Cdc-excel[XLS – 45 KB]External

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