Boulder, CO
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All About Back Floating…

Back floating is the first and most important skill we teach! Why?

  1. It’s the safest place in the water – you can breathe and call for help!
  2. It builds the foundation for proper balance and body position as we start to learn swim strokes
  3.  Speaking of swim strokes, back floating is the perfect (and safe!) way for a swimmer to take a break if he or she gets tired or “in over their head”

Why do we discourage kicking when first learning back floating?

When starting out, kicking can interfere with body positioning (belly up) and cause the body to sink. By being still, we also encourage the idea that it is a safe, restful position. At home, kids can practice laying on their backs and staying still through a song or until the count of 10 (Try Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star or the ABC song or any favorite song!)

We offer water survival lessons starting as young as 3 months old.

British Swim School provides premium swimming lessons for babies, toddlers and children through adult with safety as a number one priority. We proudly serve the communities of Broomfield, Westminster, Arvada, Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, Erie, Thornton, & Boulder. Call (303) 495-3333 to enroll, or find a class online.

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