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Swim Safety in Sunrise: Tips to Keep Your Family Safe While Splashing

Swim Instructor teaching a swim lesson to multiple children

It’s an uncomfortable truth to face, but more than 3,000 people die from drowning every year in the U.S., most of whom are young children under 4 years of age. Accidents can happen, even in your own backyard, so it’s essential to make sure everyone in the family has the swim safety skills they need. Luckily, at British Swim School of Sunrise, swim safety is our specialty!

How to Practice Swim Safety in Sunrise

There’s no better way to escape the heat and humidity than a dip in the pool. So what can you do to make sure the whole family stays safe when you’re poolside? These suggestions from our swim safety professionals at British Swim School of Sunrise are a good place to start:

  • Sign everyone up for swimming lessons. Everyone in the family can benefit from some swimming lessons, whether they’re refreshing their skills or learning how to swim for the first time.
  • Remind yourself that there is always a risk. Even with swimming lessons, don’t forge that things can still go wrong. Someone can slip, get distracted, or wind up in a deeper part of the pool than they’re used to.
  • Maintain constant supervision. There should always be an adult acting as a “water watcher” when your kids are in or near the water. When you’re watching your children, you should also avoid distractions like playing on your phone so you can react immediately if anything goes wrong.
  • Don’t rely too much on flotation devices. Floaties and pool noodles can be a big help for burgeoning swimmers, but don’t rely on them completely to keep your kids safe.
  • Keep a phone handy and learn life-saving basics like CPR. You should always have a phone nearby in case you need to call an ambulance, but don’t wait for the paramedics arrive to act. By learning CPR you can help your family member right away if they stop breathing, and that could make all the difference.

Sign Up fo Swim Safety Lessons at British Swim School of Sunrise Today

At British Swim School of Sunrise, we offer lessons for people of all ages in Sunrise, Sawgrass, Plantation, Fort Lauderdale, and Davie. Using gentle and engaging methods, we can teach everyone in the family how to practice swim safety all year round.

To learn more about swim safety in Sunrise, call British Swim School of Sunrise today at (954) 747-7251.

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