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5 Questions About Water Safety That Could Help You Save Someone’s Life

5 Water Safety Questions to Calm Concerned Parents

Did you know that drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional death or serious injury in the world? In children, it’s the second more common cause.

We cannot overstate how important it is for children and adults to know about water safety. The more we all know, the more we can all prevent tragic drowning accidents.

Ask yourself some important things in order to make sure your child is as safe as possible. These questions are important for all parents to know, whether those children are in swimming lessons or just spending a day at the beach.

1. What are the Signs of Drowning?

This is something that everyone should know, even those who don’t have children. You never know when an emergency is going to happen, even if it takes place at a friend’s backyard pool. Understand the signs of drowning and when you need to step in, because you could end up saving someone’s life- including your child’s.

At British Swim School, our core programs help children and adults of all ages learn to prevent drowning by developing their swimming skills in controlled, supervised environments. We teach them how to safely enter and exit the pool and understand the preventative methods necessary to keep them safe.

2. Is my Child Using the Right Flotation Device?

When learning to swim, it’s important that children don’t use any flotation devices as they can get in the way. However, children should be wearing these devices on boats and in deep waters. Make sure your child is using the right type of flotation device for their age, weight and height, and swimming level.

3. Is There Enough Supervision Available?

Consider the level of supervision your child is under in the environment in which they are swimming. For example, is there a lifeguard available? If they are taking lessons, how many instructors are present in the pool? The more supervision there is, the safer your child is.

This is the main reason why all of our lifeguards and swim instructors are highly trained and experienced in order to provide the most trusted level of supervision possible for your children while they learn to swim.

4. Does my Child Need Swim Lessons?

Every parent should consider putting their child in swim lessons, as swimming is a skill that can come in handy at any given time. They will also be able to gain outside skills, such as strength and coordination, that will help them further along down the road.

5. What Should I do if I Can’t Swim?

Everyone can benefit from swim lessons, whether you’re an infant, a child, or an adult, and it’s never too late to start taking them. There are many benefits of swimming for adults that you may not even realize, including exercise and stress relief!


Reader’s Digest Editors. (n.d.). 8 quiet signs of someone drowning. Retrieved from https://www.rd.com/advice/parenting/8-quiet-signs-of-someone-drowning/.

Transport Canada. (Nov. 2016). Lifejackets and personal flotation devices (PFDs). Retrieved From https://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/debs-obs-equipment-lifejackets-information-1324.htm

World Health Organization. (May 2017). Drowning fact sheet. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs347/en/.


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