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Looking for a Baby Swim School in Longmont? You Bring the Splashes, We Have The Classes!

Swim Instructor teaching assisted back floating


Looking for a way to pass the time with baby this winter in a way that’s fresh and fun? Enrolling in baby swim school in Longmont, CO is a terrific option that lets you get out and active with baby while helping them learn and grow.

The early swim classes offered by British Swim School Flatirons helps little ones overcome fear and tears, and forms the building blocks of a lifelong love of swimming. Your baby will love splashing around to music with you in the warm water, all the while growing more comfortable and confident in it!

Mastering the Basics with Baby Swim School

Everyone wants their children to have all the tools and skills they need to thrive throughout their lives. While 3 months old might be too early to start teaching them how to crack an egg or change their car oil, it’s the perfect time to have them begin to develop essential water survival skills.

Some of the baby swim school classes we offer include:

Tadpole (3-36 months): This fun mommy and baby class helps our littlest swimmers get their feet wet… literally! With you by their side, your baby will develop comfort and confidence in the water and begin to learn how to safely explore the aquatic world.

Swimboree (3-36 months): Children enjoy participating in structured games and activities with their parents’ assistance while they learn invaluable water survival skills, like floating and rolling.

Seahorse (18-36 months): Mastering essential water survival skills, like jumping in and pushing off from walls, are some of the goals of this level where little ones splash and play their way toward aquatics independence with the help of a skilled instructor.

Year-Round Family Fun in Longmont

Whether you’re looking for a way to stay active indoors this winter, prepare for the summer season, or just spend time with your little one, we have a swim class that’s right for you! In addition to baby swim school, we offer a variety of programs including classes children of all ages and beginners classes for adults so everyone can enjoy the water safely.

For more information about baby swim school or any of our other programs, call us today at (303) 495-3333. At British Swim School Flatirons, we welcome everyone from Longmont, Westminster, and Broomfield to join us at our pool!


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