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Child Swimming Lessons in Gilbert: 3 Reasons to Continue in the Winter

In most parts of the country, people don’t associate winter with swimsuit season, which is why many families put swimming lessons on hold. But with our year-round pleasant Arizona weather and our warm indoor pools at British Swim School – East Valley, we don’t have any excuses to stop swimming. Continuing child swimming lessons in Gilbert during the winter means your child will stay up to date on and continue to improve their swimming skills all year!

3 Reasons to Continue Lessons in Gilbert

Before you pack the swimsuits away, consider why it’s important to continue your child’s lessons. There are many pros to swimming overall, and these apply year-round. Here are three reasons to continue your child’s swimming lessons this winter:

  1. Water safety. The leading cause of death in young children is drowning. Aside from the pool, this can be a risk in bathtubs, hot tubs, and even around buckets of water. To keep your child safe around water at all times, it’s important to instill water safety skills in them. Most Gilbert-area children have frequent access to pools even in the winter months. We teach them to be safe in and around the water while having fun learning!
  2. Maintain skills. Going months without swimming can cause a setback in your child’s technique. Swimming is a skill that requires practice, especially when your child is just learning. If they continue lessons year-round, they’ll be able to maintain their skills and learn new ones that they can use as soon as it is warm enough to get back in the water!
  3. Stay healthy. Not only is swimming good for the body physically, but it’s also good for the immune system. Exercising actually boosts the immune system, which helps fight off sickness during cold and flu season. And despite popular belief, wet hair doesn’t cause colds.

Another perk of year-round child swimming lessons is that your child can build new lasting friendships as well as build strong, trusting relationships with our instructors.

About Our Child Swimming Lessons in the East Valley

At British Swim School – East Valley, we have programs for children of all ages and skill levels. Whether your child is just starting out or has a few years of experience, we can help you place them in the perfect class. Each class is small in size, averaging 4-6 students, so you can be sure your child will get the individual instruction they need.

Our instructors use fun, kid-friendly methods to teach water acclimation, swimming, and water safety year-round. Call us today at (480) 725-9292 for more information about our child swimming lessons in Gilbert, Chandler, and Mesa.

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