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National Heart Month

american heart month

Is your heart healthy? Did you know that heart disease is the number one cause of death for both men and women? Fortunately heart disease can be prevented through better lifestyle choices. Small changes in your routine can make an impact on your long-term health and will also improve other areas in your body. Here at British Swim School we are not only concerned about water survival skills but also taking good care of your health.

Take a few minutes to talk to your family and community about heart disease symptoms and how to prevent it. Encourage everyone including your children to learn more about how to take care of their heart health because good habits start early. Here are some tips on how to prevent heart disease:

  1. Eat a healthier diet and avoid greasy, sugary, and high-sodium foods. Don’t reach for that shaker of salt at the dinner table, instead use herbs and spices to season your food.
  2. Schedule yearly check-ups even if you’re not sick. Heart disease and other health problems gradually take their toll and can be caught early with regular check-ups.
  3. Exercise to keep your heart strong. Add cardio to your routine such as walking, running, or swimming for 15-30 minutes, three times a week.
  4. Quitting smoking can greatly lower your risk for heart disease.
  5. Take all your medication on time as prescribed by your doctor.


Taking small, achievable goals will make a lasting difference in your health. If you or a family member need help with committing to a healthier, heart friendly lifestyle contact your primary care doctor who can refer you to a team of health care professionals committed to developing an effective plan for you. Prevention is key in fighting disease.

British Swim School Orlando offers premium swimming lessons for babies starting from three months, kids, and adults. We proudly serve the communities of Windermere, Bay Hill, Gotha, Hunters Creek, South Chase, Tangelo Park, Meadow Woods, Williamsburg, Dr. Phillips, and International Drive. Call 407-917-4601 to enroll or find a class online.


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