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Swimming With British Swim School North Atlanta and JaMonkey

Blogger JaMonkey and her daughters visited British Swim School North Atlanta and loved our swimming program! Read on to learn more about JaMonkey’s British Swim School experience in our classes and learn just how much we can help your children in the water!

My girls are so behind when it comes to learning to swim. Having one child with anxiety has made it very hard to teach her the basics in water safety. Squish on the other hand is my dare devil and was so excited to learn how to swim. So we gave British Swim School a chance when they offered us a month free.

Young women in swim caps standing near the pool

The class sizes are small at British Swim School. Each class lasts 30 minutes and has up from 4-6 students (or less if it isn’t a full class) in class. This gives a better one on one experience. They also have classes that start at 3 months old. They teach life-saving survival and water acclimation with parent classes. Students wear colored caps to show what level they are. Both of my girls started as Minnows, so they wear yellow caps. I really loved our instructor, Hannah. She was so amazing with the girls and really made them feel confident in the water.

Young woman floating on her back with a swim instructor

The kids learn terms and names of moves to help them enter the pool safely or float. My girls are very different when it comes to being in the water, so the instructor was able to work on their level each time they entered the water. JaMonkey has trouble floating because she is all muscle, so we had to work a little harder at teaching her to float. That’s hard to do for a child that knows she can touch the bottom of the pool while standing.

Young woman floating on her back with a swim instructor

The best part of their lessons are the last 10 minutes. The kids get free play with lots of fun toys in the water. They get into rings and swim around the pool.

Young woman floating on pool toy with a swim instructor

Squish did so well during her lessons that by the time our month was up, she was jumping into the pool. I was really happy with how great these lessons were. We plan on continuing them to get the girls ready for summer camp since they spend time in the water each day. The hold British Swim School at locations all over. Find your local branch here.

Check out our short video of some of the time we spent in class.

Read JaMonkey’s original article here.

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