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Water Safety for Kids in Miami: 8 Important Tips

Miami is home to thousands of pools and one of the world’s most famous beaches. So if you’re a parent in the Miami area, water safety for kids is a major priority. Water safety for kids in Miami starts with youth swimming lessons. But it also means learning about how parents can keep kids safe from water hazards.

Water Safety Classes for Kids in Miami

The earlier kids learn how to swim, the safer they are in and around water. Children between the ages of 1 and 5 have an 87% lower risk of drowning if they’ve completed swimming lessons. At British Swim School Coral Gables South Miami, water safety for kids begins as early as three months old. Our water safety for kids classes are the perfect place for Miami’s littlest swimmers to start building their skills.

8 Important Tips About Water Safety

Enrolling kids in water safety classes plays a big role in keeping Miami’s smallest swimmers safe. But parents play a crucial role as well. Below are 8 important things that parents in Miami, FL, should know about water safety for kids…

  1. Even shallow water can be a drowning risk for toddlers and infants. Parents of young children should treat the bathtub, kiddie pools, garden ponds, and other similar areas as water hazards.
  2. If you own a pool or hot tub, make sure the barrier around it is childproofed and always secure when not in use. Have a poolside first aid kit and rescue equipment ready for emergencies.
  3. When kids are near water, they require monitoring by an adult. Monitoring needs to be constant and without distraction — a lapse of just a few seconds can be disastrous.
  4. If kids are in water, the same monitoring rules apply. Young swimmers should always be in an adult’s line of sight. Infant and toddler swimmers should always be within arm’s reach.
  5. A life jacket should always be worn by infants, toddlers, and swimmers with limited skills. Life jackets should be well-fitted and approved by the US Coast Guard.
  6. Know the signs of drowning: head low in water, mouth near water line, minimal movement, and vertical position. Drowning happens silently, without the sound and splashing seen in movies.
  7. In a drowning emergency, call 911 immediately. If it’s not dangerous to do so, attempt rescue yourself. Every second will count — do not wait for paramedics.
  8. Parents can boost their water safety for kids skills by learning CPR and improving their own swimming skills. Classes for both are readily available in Miami.

Enroll your child with British Swim School Coral Gables South Miami today! Our instructors teach water safety for kids to young swimmers from West Miami, South Miami, Coral Gables, Sunset, and Coconut Grove. Call 844-446-7946 or find a class online to get started!

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