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Keep Pool Safety Top of Mind for Your Family in Gilbert

When things really start to heat up here in Arizona, swimming can be the perfect way to stay active, keep the kids happy, and have a bit of fun yourself. Whether you’re taking the kids to a pool party or heading to the nearest aquatic center in Gilbert, AZ, there is no better way to kick off another fun-filled summer. But first, why not use these next couple of months to revisit a few basic pool safety guidelines?

Follow These Pool Safety Tips for a Safer Summer

There are plenty of ways you can start preparing for a safer summer now, including:

  • Getting certified in CPR. When someone is rescued from the water, being able to perform CPR right away may save their life or prevent potential brain damage that could occur before the paramedics arrive on the scene. By learning CPR now, you can help make every trip to the pool or water park that much safer.
  • Signing your kids up for swimming lessons. Give your kids a leg up and help them stay safe by enrolling them in swimming lessons before summer starts. If there are any adults in your family who don’t know how to swim, you can also sign them up for classes. Ultimately, the more people who know how to swim, the safer everyone will be — and the more fun they’ll get to have.
  • Going over specific rules for poolside behavior. Don’t take for granted that your kids will remember everything you’ve taught them about pool safety in the past. Remind them not to run around near water in case they slip and fall, not to go into the water by themselves or without an adult present, and not to show off by going deeper than they’re comfortable with.
  • Checking your own poolside practices. If your pool safety practices have gotten lax over the years, remind yourself of what’s at stake and how quickly something can go wrong. Remember that you should always have your eyes on your kids when they swim, and that no phone call or text is more important than their safety.

Book Swimming Lessons in the Gilbert Area

At British Swim School East Valley, we offer swimming lessons for swimmers of all ages in Gilbert, Mesa, and Chandler, with a heavy emphasis on pool safety and key survival skills. To learn more or sign up for swim lessons, call us today at (480) 725-9292.

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