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Featured Students April 2019

This month we are featuring two students, sister and brother, Karen and Kevin L.

Karen and Kevin started swimming with us last spring. Both were new to lessons, and like most new students, a bit nervous. They always come in, happy to be swimming with us, and they work hard to overcome their fears. Karen has progressed to Turtle 1, and when she focuses on a skill, she can do it well. Beginner freestyle is always difficult for our Turtle 1s to master, but Karen is showing improvement at every lesson and will be moving to Turtle 2 soon. Kevin is doing great as a Minnow, and as soon as he overcomes his fear will be moving to Turtle 1.

Karen and Kevin come in consistently, happy and ready to swim. With their parents as happy cheerleaders, they are a joy to work with every week. Keep Swimming!

To enroll in swimming lessons for kids in Gilbert, call British Swim School East Valley today at (480) 725-9292. Our swim lessons are available to kids in Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa, Queen Creak San Tan Valley and the surrounding areas.

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