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Looking for a Baby Swim School in Brampton? You Bring the Splashes, We Have The Classes!

Swim Instructor teaching assisted back floating

Being stuck inside during long, cold Brampton winters can be frustrating for both you and baby. You can fight the winter blues by participating in fun, indoor activities with your little one that will keep you both feeling excited and energized while letting your baby learn new skills. Baby swim school classes are the perfect way to spend time with your little one this winter and have them ready for outdoor fun by the time summer rolls around!

Build Confidence in Baby Swim School

Some children can’t get enough of the water, while others may feel fearful in anything larger than a bathtub. Our swim school programs help children at all points of the water confidence spectrum become comfortable in the water. It also helps them develop invaluable survival skills that can keep them safe in the water, giving you peace of mind.

Some of the early swimming programs we offer include:

Tadpole: For our littlest swimmers (age 3-36 months) who are just starting to get their feet wet, this program helps them overcome fear and tears through fun water play with mommy by their side.

Swimboree: The fun continues for those who have reached the goals of Tadpole level as babies from 3-36 months begin learning important water survival skills through structured games and exploration.

Seahorse: Babies 18-36 months who have mastered the skills of Swimboree receive focused attention from instructors in this level so they can develop independent swimming skills while their parents cheer them on poolside.

Once your child has mastered the basics, they can go on to our more advanced classes to continue building on the foundation of their baby swim school skills. They’ll love playing in the warm pool year-round, and you’ll love knowing that they will always be well-prepared near water.

Winter Fun for Brampton Families

There’s no need for you to stay cooped up this winter with British Swim School Greater Toronto right around the corner! We offer everything from baby swim school program through to beginner classes for adults so every family in our community can safely enjoy the water with confidence, 365 days a year.

Call us at (289) 569-1444 or visit us today to learn all about our baby swim school classes for those in Brampton, Meadowvale, Mississauga, Churchville, and Lakeview.

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